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Our comprehensive PSHCE curriculum aims to ensure students are confident, safe and informed about the world around them. Through PSHCE ( Learning for Life ) they will develop their knowledge and ability to make appropriate choices about their future
In a changing world, our students at Hampton High are making sense of the world around them. PSHCE will teach them to understand themselves as people and the paths they wish to tread in life. Our students will be taught to protect their health both mentally and physically. They will be empowered to understand themselves as citizens of their world, exploring local and global issues. They will understand that their work in PSHCE will help them forge strong, successful, healthy futures which is why we use the term “Learning for Life”. PSHCE will teach our students that they have choices and will provide them with the knowledge and the power to access those choices.
Our curriculum is designed to encompass RSE ( Relationships and Sex Education ), Careers and Health Education, as well as Citizenship. It is designed in conjunction with the PSHCE association guidance which meets the government statutory frameworks and is built around the three pillars:
- Health and Wellbeing
- Relationships
- Living in the Wider World
These pillars are revisited in each year group in a spiral curriculum which enables the students to expand their knowledge year on year and develop long term knowledge of these areas for their future.
PSHCE education acknowledges and addresses the changes that young people experience, beginning with transition to Hampton High, the challenges of adolescence and their increasing independence. It teaches the knowledge and skills which will equip them for the opportunities and challenges of life. Students learn to manage diverse relationships, their online lives, and the increasing influence of peers and the media.
At Key Stage 4, students deepen knowledge and understanding, extend and rehearse skills, and further explore attitudes, values and attributes acquired during key stage 3. PSHCE education reflects the fact that students are moving towards an independent role in adult life, taking on greater responsibility for themselves and others.
A key intention in our delivery of PSHCE is to provide a safe environment where students feel able to participate in the lesson. In PSHCE lessons the setting up of the ground rules, reminding students of confidentiality issues helps to provide this environment. We encourage the use of drama, art and creative activities, using techniques to encourage exploration of attitudes and case studies to develop empathy.
Teachers are aware of sensitive issues that may arise out of teaching and learning about PSHCE including RSE. The following are protocols for discussion- based lessons with students:
Openness: We will be open and honest, but not discuss directly our own or others’ personal/private lives. We will discuss examples but will not use names or descriptions which could identify anyone.
Keep the conversation in the room: We feel safe discussing issues and we know that our teacher will not repeat what is said in the classroom unless they are concerned we are at risk, in which case they will follow the school’s safeguarding policy.
Non-judgmental approach: It is okay for us to disagree with another person’s point of view but we will not judge, make fun of, or put anybody down. We will ‘challenge the opinion, not the person’.
Right to pass: Taking part is important. However, we have the right to pass on answering a question or participating in an activity and we will not put anyone ‘on the spot’.
Make no assumptions: We will not make assumptions about people’s values, attitudes, behaviours, identity, life experiences or feelings. We will listen to the other person’s point of view respectfully and expect to be listened to ourselves.
Using appropriate language: We will use correct terms rather than slang terms, as they can be offensive. If we are not sure what the correct term is, we will ask our teacher.
Asking questions: We are encouraged to ask questions and they are valued by our teacher. However, we do not ask personal questions or anything intended to deliberately try to embarrass someone.
Seeking help and advice: If we need further help or advice, we know how and where to seek it—both in school and in the community. We will encourage friends to seek help if we think they need it.
We will study and revisit the following areas within our 3 key pillars
- Identity – the personal qualities, attitudes, skills, attributes and achievements that young people have and what influences these. Understanding and maintaining boundaries around their personal privacy, including life online.
- Relationships – exploring different types of relationships and in the many contexts in which young people might encounter them, including in the real world and online.
- A healthy and balanced lifestyle – analysing physical, emotional and social health and how these interplay with relationships, work-life, exercise and rest, spending and saving, managing stress and lifestyle choices.
- Risk and safety – how to identify, assess and manage risk, exploring behaviours and strategies to support this in different settings.
- Diversity and Equality – in all its forms, with due regard to the protected characteristics set out in the Equality Act 2010.
- Rights, Responsibilities and Consent
- Change and Resilience
- Power – the ways it is used and encountered in a variety of contexts including online; how it manifests through behaviours including bullying, persuasion, coercion and how it can be challenged or managed through negotiation.
- Career – including enterprise, employability and economic understanding.
We will track students' development of knowledge through confidence trackers and quizzes within each unit which will enable them to self- reflect and allow their teachers the opportunity to address any misconceptions or concerns the students may have.
We believe that external speakers can provide students with a very beneficial additional viewpoint to their knowledge of the world and where possible we work with agencies such as LVA, Brook, Local Police and First Aid providers to ensure that the information is local, relevant and pertinent to our students.
We will supplement our delivery in lessons with further coverage of the PSHCE curriculum during tutor time and assemblies. This allows for flexibility of response to world issues, local and personal issues within the student’s lives allowing us to truly personalise our curriculum for the students at Hampton High reflecting upon our core values aspiration, respect, collaboration and resilience.