
GCSEs are public exams which have set start and end times dictated by the exam boards. 

  • Morning exams start at 9.00am
  • Afternoon exams start at 1.15pm


If a student arrives to an exam after the paper has already been started they may not be allowed to enter the room so it is imperative that students arrive on time. 

Exam room rules 

  • Students are not permitted to communicate with any other student during an exam. 
  • Students are also not allowed to have a mobile phone or any pieces of paper on their person. These must be left in their bags which are not allowed in the exam room or passed to a member of staff for the duration of the exam. 
  • If a student is found to be in possession of a mobile phone (or any other smart device including smart watches) we are duty bound to inform the exam board who may decide to invalidate their exam paper, even if the device is switched off. 
  • Students cannot leave an exam room early even if they have finished their paper. 
  • Students are not permitted to eat or drink during exams with the exception of water. The water should be in a transparent bottle with the label removed. 

Uniform during the exams period 

Students are expected to wear full school uniform throughout the exams period. The exception to this may be when the weather is particularly warm when students are permitted to remove their ties and blazers. 

Equipment for exams 

Students are expected to bring their own equipment for exams. This should be carried in a transparent pencil case or small bag. The minimum expectation would be: 

  • 2 black pens 
  • For exams such as science and maths students will also require: 
  • Pencil 
  • Rubber 
  • Ruler 
  • Scientific calculator 


If a student is ill on the day of a written exam and is so sick that s/he cannot come to school, a parent or guardian must ring the school immediately to inform the Exams Officer. As evidence of the sickness a medical certificate should be obtained which must be signed by the doctor. The certificate should be sent to the Exams Officer at the earliest opportunity so that the relevant exam board can be notified of the reasons for the absence. 

Exam preparation 

In the lead up to public examinations students will have the opportunity to attend revision sessions for each subject. These may take place before school, at lunchtime, after school or during the holidays. These are free of charge and of great use to students who may need extra support during the exam season. We also provide rooms for students to use for quiet independent revision. 

Staff also run ‘warm-up’ sessions just prior to exam papers to prepare the students and ensure they are all present before the paper starts. For morning exams these start at 8.30 and afternoon exams at 1.15. 

Students should also be revising at home, even if they are attending the revision classes at school. Staff work hard to teach students revision techniques that they can use at home so that students can become more independent.  

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