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Physical Education
We expose our students to a broad and balanced curriculum which provides them with opportunity to master the fundamental skills which underpin sports performance across a wide range of sporting contexts, both within lesson time and within the extensive enrichment programme. The aim is to improve all our students’ physical literacy in terms of physical competence, knowledge and mastery and character and resilience.
In addition we want to provide students with the knowledge they need to participate in a large range of sports and physical activities. They will gain the skills required to participate at the their chosen level both now and throughout life. They will know how their mind and body are affected by exercise. They will know rules, laws and etiquette required for sport.
Through participation in PE and extracurricular sport our students will gain and develop character-building traits. They will learn to respect themselves and others, develop physical confidence and learn how to cope with success and failure. They will learn the value of hard work and the importance of determination/ resilience in developing as an athlete/performer.
Below are the blocks we go through in key stage 3 in PE. Each year group rotates through all these sports in a year to improve their fundamental skills and physical literacy.
Block 1: Basketball, Netball, Rugby
Block 2: Badminton, Fitness, Football
Block 3: Table Tennis, Volleyball, Handball
Block 4: Striking and Fielding, Tennis, Invasion/Fitness
AQA GCSE Physical Education Specification
New gym
In June 2023 we opened our new gym!
This brand new gym has been designed and created for both students and staff to use and enjoy. All students go through a gym induction in PE and then have multiple opportunities to use it within their PE lessons in the KS3 and KS4 curriculum throughout
their time at Hampton High.
We also run after school gym clubs where students can enjoy the various machines and equipment in this gym to improve their health, fitness and wellbeing. Staff have access to the gym before and after school.
The different pieces of equipment we currently have are:
- 2 Rowers
- 3 treadmills
- 2 crosstrainers
- 3 bikes
- Single pulley machine
- Free weights stack with 2 adjustable benches
- A dual leg curl and leg extension machine
- A mirror room with yoga mats, a foam roller and 2 step up boxes.
- We have a dual chest press and shoulder press