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We are committed to equality of opportunity and ensuring that all students can thrive at Hampton High School. We have a designated SENCo and team of trained teaching assistants who work across the school and in a bespoke base in the heart of the school.
Please click here to see information about SEN in the Curriculum.
The Hampton High SENDCo is Benjamin Fleetham. Contact: SEND@hamptonhigh.org.uk 020 8979 3399
The Hampton High SEND Governor is Rachel Cooper. Contact: clerk@hamtonhigh.org.uk 020 8979 3399
Common questions and answers.
How does Hampton High know if my child needs extra help?
What should I do if I think my child may have a special educational need or disability?
How will Hampton High support my child?
How is the decision made about how much, or what, support my child will receive?
How will I know how Hampton High supports my child?
How will you help me to support my child’s learning?
What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?
How will the school prepare and support my child when joining Hampton High or post 16 provision?
How will I be involved in discussions about and planning for my child’s education?
Who can I contact for further information?
My child has a disability, what is the admission process at Hampton High?
My child has SEND and I have a complaint, who would I speak to?
How does Hampton High know if my child needs extra help?
Hampton High has an extensive transition program for students joining Hampton High in Year 7. This has been created and led by the SEND and Head of Year 7 team and has proved to be an invaluable tool to help students feel welcome and supported at Hampton High.
The school will contact primary schools during the summer term with a specific focus on incoming students. This will involve the Mr Fleetham and the Head of Year 7, and/or the Assistant Head of Year 7, meeting with the SENCo and Year 6 teachers of the primary schools.
For primary schools that only have a small number joining Hampton High Mr Fleetham also meets with the relevant SENCos or Year 6 teachers at a transition event hosted by AfC.
All students and parents are invited to a short interview with a member of senior Hampton High staff; Mr Fleetham will be present throughout the evening to allow all parents and children to discuss any SEND issues or concerns.
Where possible a member of the SEND department will attend annual reviews of Year 6 Educational Health Care Plans.
As part of the transition process we also host short transition afternoons, where selected students from all primary schools are invited to meet other students joining, as well as the staff involved in supporting them. There are usually 3 or 4 separate afternoons, as well as specific sessions for those students that are the only ones joining us form their primary school.
During Year 7 all Hampton High students complete Cognitive Ability Tests as well as reading and spelling tests. This usually takes place in the first half of autumn term and helps us identify students who may benefit from additional support.
Students who join Hampton High after their autumn term of Year 7 are assessed in the same way (CAT test as well as reading and spelling tests).
Class teachers are also able to identify students who may need additional support; they can raise this information with the SEND team.
What should I do if I think my child may have a special educational need or disability?
Parents can contact their child’s form tutor or Head of Year, in the first instance. Email addresses and contact numbers are available in the “Contact Us” section of the website.
If parents are concerned about a particular subject they should contact the class teacher directly.
If appropriate, the tutor, teacher or Head of Year will raise concerns with the SENDCo, Mr Fleetham.
Parents who wish to discuss a child’s special educational needs may also contact the SEN department.
To contact the SENDCo via email please use info@hamptonhigh.org.uk
This link can be used to contact agencies that can formally assess and diagnose specific learning needs such as ASD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, etc.
How will Hampton High support my child?
Hampton High is committed to providing an inclusive, broad and balanced curriculum.
For every student we aim to provide:
Differentiated tasks in the classroom for individual students where necessary.
Where classes are streamed by ability we are able to support less able students by offering smaller classes where possible as well as the potential for increased adult support.
Teachers will use progress data inform planning and identify targets for students to improve. If there are concerns that a child is not making progress they can contact the SEND team.
All students are able to attend a ‘homework club’ on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at Hampton High; this runs from the end of afternoon registration until 4pm.
In addition, for some students with SEND the school will also provide:
Additional literacy and numeracy support in the form of “Catch Up” sessions. These usually run as a 1:1 session for approximately 20 minutes to avoid disruption to the regular curriculum. We also avoid withdrawing students from core subjects (English, Maths and Science).
Adaptations to learning environments; access to word processors, coloured overlays or additional handouts in class are a good first step in providing an inclusive environment. In rare occasions some students can benefit from “Time-Out” cards that allows them to wait outside their classroom if they feel overwhelmed.
In-class or small group support as needed to enable the student access the curriculum.
Lunchtime rooms, including a quiet room for students who struggle with unstructured times.
Reading intervention during registration.
An Emotional Literacy Support Assistant to help with a range of issues outside of academic concerns.
Social skills groups.
Some students with an “Education Support Plan” which is issued to their teachers. This is a collection of specific strategies that will help the student succeed in school collated in one location.
The SENDCo is responsible for tracking the progress of SEND students.
For students with an Education Health and Care Plan or significant barriers to learning the school will aim to meet the needs outlined in the EHCP, as well as providing:
Individualised timetables and classes.
Additional small group and individual support.
Testing for access arrangements during assessments and public examinations takes place during the autumn term of Year 10 (or if exceptional circumstances require it). These arrangements may include:
- Using a reader/scribe
- Extra time
- Access to ICT
Rest breaks or a prompt usually require a letter from a medical practitioner or specialist requesting this provision.
Use of a separate room to the exam hall usually require a letter from a medical practitioner or specialist requesting this provision.
We follow the guidelines laid down by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ). We cannot offer a provision that student is not qualified for. All access arrangements are assessed via qualified and licensed external agencies.
How is the decision made about how much, or what, support my child will receive?
The SEND team works closely with all departments across the school.
Teachers can raise concerns about a student, and parents are encouraged to contact their child’s teacher if they have a concern in the first instance.
Provision for extra support is made on a need basis where possible. It is not possible to place an additional adult in every class; the SEND team has a finite level of resources and is committed to supporting the children most at need.
EHCP students are funded to reflect the provisions in their EHCP and we ensure that this is undertaken. Where in class support is recommended as part of an EHCP Hampton High aims to support core subjects as a priority.
Data is regularly checked by the class teachers. Students without an EHCP may receive some intervention if they are not making the expected progress. This could be in class or a small group intervention.
How will I know how Hampton High supports my child?
If students are to be regularly withdrawn from a lesson for a period of time the SEND team will send written confirmation of this to the home address of the students involved.
At parent’s evenings, the SENDCo will have a drop in desk whereby any parent can raise concerns and issues.
Students with an EHCP will have regular meetings with the SENDCo and SEND team throughout the academic year, parents and carers are encouraged to attend and participate in the meeting. The SEND team will contact the families to arrange these meetings.
If you have any questions or queries about the support we offer please contact your child’s form tutor, Head of Year or the SENDCo.
How will you help me to support my child’s learning?
We encourage parents to attend parent’s evenings whenever possible.
We offer homework support every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday as well as open communication between the form tutor, Head of year and SEND team.
What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?
The pastoral support team includes your child’s form tutor as the first point of contact.
Concerns can also be raised with the Head of Year.
We also have a non-teaching pastoral team that aim to support every child at Hampton High.
Hampton High has access to an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant as well as an Educational Psychologist where necessary.
How will the school prepare and support my child when joining Hampton High or post 16 provision?
Induction day for all Year 6 students in summer term.
Additional induction sessions for SEND students.
For students joining Hampton High during the academic year a meeting with the SENDCo may be necessary.
Families with high needs students are encouraged to contact the SENDCo to discuss the needs and support available.
The careers team will meet Year 11 students in preparation for post 16 provision.
Students with an EHCP will discuss post 16 provision during Year 10 and 11 annual reviews. This will usually involve a member of the careers team attending the review.
How will I be involved in discussions about and planning for my child’s education?
Hampton High will hold at least one parent’s evening per year for students. The SENDCo will attend these with a drop in desk for any enquiries.
The SEND team will hold annual reviews for EHCP students and regularly liaise with parents.
Parents of young people with SEND can request a meeting with the SEND team.
Hampton High will aim to regularly maintain contact via meetings and phone calls, as well as communication through the student’s planner. This communication will usually come from the form tutor or Head of Year.
Who can I contact for further information?
The SENDCo at Hampton High is Mr Benjamin Fleetham - SEND@hamptonhigh.org.uk
My child has a disability, what is the admission process at Hampton High?
If a child has an EHCP then the admissions process would be via the Annual Review at their current setting. You can ask your child's EHCP coordinator to send a formal consultation to Hampton High, where we will be able to confirm whether we can, or cannot, meet their needs.
If your child does not have an EHCP then they would go through the standard admissions process for phase transfers (moving from Primary School to Secondary School at the end of Year 6). For in year transfers (usually referred to as Mid Term Admissions/MTAs) can be completed via the local authority. They would then contact us and the Head of Year and any relevant staff (e.g. SENDCo) would meet with the family to discuss needs and reasonable adjustments.
Further details on admission arrangements can be found in our admissions policy (accessible here: Admission Arrangements).
What steps has Hampton High taken to improve accessibility to the school site for students with physical disabilities?
Hampton High has step free access to the school site, as well as a lift located at reception to access the upper floor. Physical and visual habilitation specialists have visited the school to support our students with disabilities and we have made reasonable adjustments internally, such as handrails running a short distance beyond the full length of our staircases, and internal pillars being made clearly visible with contrasting colours to the environment.
My child has SEND and I have a complaint, who would I speak to?
The Form Tutor and Head of Year are good contact points for all children. Additionally for children with SEND Ben Fleetham is the SENDCo and would be the appropriate person to contact, or Lucy Greening as the Deputy SENDCo.
Further information about our complaints procedure can be found here: Hampton High Complaints Policy